
I looked at the Wikipedia article for the 1798 Revolt of the Alfaiates. The article is very underwhelming, and is no more than a paragraph long. It gives a brief introduction of where the revolt took place, the fact that it was a slave rebellion, stating it was a separatist movement, and the objectives of the rebellion. What it did not give me was whether or not it was actually successful, or any kind of outcome from the revolt. It leaves out significant figures or major battles of conflicts. The only thing that we see is that it had a popular base of slaves.

The article lacks any sources, and draws all its evidence from one book. It has only one foot note at the end of the article so it shows that there was minimal effort put into researching it.

What the article needs is not just what happened during the revolution, but events leading up to it and the end results and legality that came from it. Notable figures, influences of literature, cultural context, anything else to give the reader an idea of why the event was important in the eyes of history.

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