Today in Class we looked at the gender and racial hierarchy in Latin America, and how people can move from one position to another within their lifetime.
Before going into our class discussion, Ben spoke about how the Vice President of Venezuela’s National Assembly has sought refuge in the residence of the Chilean ambassador. He is banned from leaving the country due to crimes against him for leading protests against Maduro. Here he hopes to continue to work with the opposition party against President Maduro.
Lecture Notes:
- American Anthropology Association
- Three key messages when teaching about race
- Race is a recent human invention
- Race is about culture, not biology
- Race and racism are embedded in institutions and everyday life.
- Looked at Jose de Acosta as a view of earlier colonial race
- Colonial anxiety of European rule over non European majority taking over.
- Assumption of indigenous unity used to rebell against European rule
- Indigenous people are more united than the spanish “can all understand each other’s thoughts”
- Back into discourse about civilized versus barbaric outlooks on indigenous people
- People really believe that race is destiny
- Spanish are really interested in dividing people up into castes “castas”
- Look at race, skin color and phenotype, class, place of birth, gender
- What it means to be a man what it means to be a woman
- Woman: virgin till married, under control of husband, father, brother
- Took a look at casta paintings from the 1700’s that are observing the new world and explaining it to people back in europe
- Grid art peice that shows the results of different racial mixtures
- Two Examples:
- Jose Joaquim, magon, “Mestizo”
- Shows family of different races wo all share the same status
- All of these people are literate, mother son, and white man
- All three have on fancy clothing
- Andres de Islas “De Espanol e Nagra nace Mulatta”
- White old guy resisting black woman about to hit him, mixed child holding mothers dress. Family dynamic are very different. Women in kitchen, people from african descent here for slavery. Much lower status in this image. Child dressed the same as the mom, implying that she inherited mother’s status
- As the colonial order matures, people try to solidify roles and positions and social hierarchy
- Next we took a look at convents in colonial Latin America
- Convents: Economically important, socially important
- Importance of the economic role for convents
- Katherine burn “colonial habits”
- Religious prohibition for loaning money for interest
- Worked by individuals giving land to convent, and they would give you money i return
- Worked as a low interest loan. Convents are some of the only institutions you can borrow money from in these societies
- Incredibly influential and controversial through the amount of money and land they owned and controlled
- Source of hyper literate women who kept sources
- Social divisions between nuns displayed through types of veils they wear. Not a utilitarian community.
- Worked by individuals giving land to convent, and they would give you money i return
- Economic benefits for daughter who joins convent
- Cheaper than dowry
- Social status: connection to god
- If she becomes a formal nun, she will not inherit property, which is cheaper for the family
- Very respectable option that gives family prestige
- Family network when it comes to controlling loans, access to loans
- Importance of the economic role for convents
- Convents: Economically important, socially important
- Sor Juana
- Sor: title, (Sister Juana)
- Pg. 62
- Beloved to historians and feminists
- Ideas of gender intersexually
- How is she performing gender?
- Attracts a lot of attention for doing things she is not supposed to
- Wants to dress as a boy and go to a university as a child
- Shows desire for learning not allowed by society
- Parents would often leave their daughters unexposed and uneducated in fear of distracting other people’s sons throughout their education
- Pg. 64: distinction between women being inferior and intellectually inferior
- “The secrets of nature I have discovered while cooking”
- Women have a power of observation and making a chemistry experiment in the kitchen are restrained educationally
- “The secrets of nature I have discovered while cooking”
- Sor Juana